Following a detailed review of feedback, discussions have taken place with officers at the council over the last few months in relation to the scheme. As a result, London Square have now prepared a series of revisions to block 2, reducing the amount of office floorspace and increasing the amount of affordable housing to 40%. The level of car parking has also been increased.
In summary the changes include:
- Reconfiguring block 2 internally to allow a change from office to residential, reducing the amount of commercial floorspace overall to 960.8 sqm (from 1799 sq m) flexible ground floor commercial space and increasing the number of homes to 132 (from 117);
- The elevations of Block 2 have been updated to incorporate a more domestic design and a mansard roof;
- Changes to the parking layout for Block 2 and some areas across the site to provide an increase in parking from 122 to 135 spaces for the new homes, 5 spaces for the commercial uses, 2 spaces for the community building and 3 car club spaces;
- Clarity around the design for the connection between the AL16 east site (the Cala site) and the application site.
You can view the updated Design and Access Statement here and Planning Statement here.
You can view a flythrough video of the scheme below.